Sunday, November 24, 2013

Military Police Moved from Incarceration Staff and Placed Under Military Intelligence (MI)

The consequences of the shift in “duties” of the MPs left them in charge of “preping” detainees for their interrogation. They were told to change their sleep schedules, play loud music as they slept, anything to prepare the detainees for their interrogation and in hopes that detainees would give valuable information. Many of the MPs were put in compromising situation were their morals were questioned along with their ethics as a soldier. They were assigned to perform questionable techniques of interrogation by Military Intelligence. Female MPs were asked to take male detainees to shower and ridicule them. The change in command and the desperate need from intelligence out of Iraq prisons only further compromised the integrity of Military Police within detainee prisons, like Abu Ghraib. 

Fmr. Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski and a photo of an Abu Ghraib detainee 

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