Sunday, November 24, 2013

What happened at Abu Ghraib?

It is unclear what actually took place in the interrogations; however, the reaction of detainees as they passed interrogations booths was only relief. In one instance and the only recored homicide that took place in Abu Ghraib were two MPs took photos with a deceased detainee with a thumbs up. It was here where the MPs understood that the man died after his interrogation. The Prison Riot of 2003 only made the circumstances and the conditions worse. The MPs only grew more frustrated with detainees and were confused as to why they were being attacked. This led them to increase their violent pre-interrogation techniques and enforce harsher treatment. They forced detainees, naked, to form human pyramids, they subjected them to longer more stressful positions, and they forced them into sexual positions with other detainees. 

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