Monday, November 25, 2013

Where are Lynndie England and Charles Graner now?

Lynndie England and Charles Graner
(One of the Photos released from the CD that contained 
the abuse photos from Abu Ghraib)

After being charged and convicted of abusing detainees, along with six other soldiers, Charles Graner was released from military prison in August of 2011 after serving six of his 10 years sentence. He would serve the remainder of his sentence under probation until December of 2014. It is known that Graner is still married to another soldier convicted with charges related to Abu Ghraib, Megan Ambuhl.   Human rights activists were angered that he was released from prison early. As for Lynndie England, Graner and her share a son together. After she served half of her 3 year sentence for her part in the abuse she returned home to Fort Ashby, Virginia. It was there in her hometown where she was constantly asked questions, followed and sometimes praised for what she did. From an interview in The Guardian "She's home from jail, but Lynndie England can't escape Abu Ghraib" England maintains that it was the conditions they were under as to why she subjected detainees to abuse. She also tells how difficult it has been for her to find employment once she reveals her criminal background. In addition, she explains how she is taking antidepressants and is still pyschologically affected by her experiences in Iraq. England acknowledges that even though seven soldiers were charged with relation to the abuse at Abu Ghraib it will always her face that will always be associated with the detainee abuse that occurred during the War in Iraq. 

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